Thursday, 6 November 2014

Upgrading streamyx from 4mbps to 8mbps

Waktu internet aku down aku call TM customer service untuk complaint. Alang2 complaint aku terus mintak upgrade internet dari 4mbps ke 8mbps. Dapat upgrade pon lepas aku email kat dorg pasal capability line aku. 

Evething went so smooth. TM kasi promosi hypp tv lagi free untuk channel premium dorg.  

RE: [My TM] : 08700821398-Inquiry-Product/Service-Service Upgrade/Downgrade

Kepada Encik Mohd Sufian,

Terima kasih di atas maklum balas tuan. Sistem maklum balas automatik kami telah mengajukan isu tuan untuk perhatian kami. Kami memohon maaf di atas kelewatan membalas e-mel ini.

Merujuk kepada maklum balas tuan bertarikh 27hb Ogos 2014 mengenai isu naiktaraf Streamyx ke 8Mbps, adalah dimaklumkan bahawa berdasarkan maklumbalas terkini daripada bahagian yang berkenaan, perkhidmatan Streamyx 8Mbps telah dapat diberikan di kawasan tuan.

Sila maklum untuk mengunjungi cawangan terdekat TMpoint untuk permohonan penaiktarafan kepada pakej Streamyx 8Mbps dengan merujuk laman web di bawah. .

Tuan juga boleh membuat permohonan penaiktarafan Streamyx secara atas talian di portal MyTM dengan merujuk laman web di bawah. .

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut atau maklum balas, sila e-mel kami di .
Tuan juga boleh menghubungi TM di talian 100, pilih bahasa diikuti dengan "Produk dan Perkhidmatan".

Yang benar,

Customer Service Support,
Telekom Malaysia.


-----Original Message-----

Sent:  8/26/2014 06:08:28 PM
To:  TM Administrator <>
Subject:  [My TM] : 08700821398-Inquiry-Product/Service-Service Upgrade/Downgrade

Kepada Encik Mohd Sufian,

Terima kasih kerana membalas e-mel kami.

Merujuk kepada isu naiktaraf Streamyx ke 8Mbps, segala kesulitan yang berlaku amatlah dikesali. Sila maklum bahawa kami masih lagi menunggu maklum balas dari pihak berkenaan. Sekiranya terdapat maklum balas, pihak tersebut akan memaklumkan kepada tuan dengan kadar yang segera. 

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut atau maklum balas, sila e-mel kami di Tuan juga boleh menghubungi TM di talian 100, pilih bahasa dan pilih "Produk dan Perkhidmatan".

Yang benar, 

Aliff Noranmrie 
Customer Service Support,
Telekom Malaysia.


-----Original Message-----

Sent:  10/6/2014 01:28:38 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [My TM] : 08700821398-Inquiry-Product/Service-Service Upgrade/Downgrade

Kepada TM helpdesk,

Sehingga sekarang saya masih belum menerima apa2 feedback dari pihak tuan berkenaan naiktaraf streamyx saya.  

Aduan bernombor 1-9623160656


On 27 Aug 2014, at 1:42 pm, wrote:

Kepada Encik Mohd Sufian,

Terima kasih di atas maklum balas tuan. Sistem maklum balas automatik kami telah mengajukan isu tuan untuk perhatian kami.

Merujuk kepada maklum balas tuan bertarikh 27hb Ogos 2014 mengenai isu naiktaraf Streamyx ke 8Mbps, adalah dimaklumkan bahawa isu ini telah diajukan kepada pihak berkenaan untuk siasatan dan tindakan selanjutnya. Tuan boleh merujuk laporan bernombor 1-9623160656. Kerjasama dari pihak tuan amat dihargai.

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut atau maklum balas, sila e-mel kami di .
Tuan juga boleh menghubungi TM di talian 100, pilih bahasa diikuti dengan "Produk dan Perkhidmatan".

Yang benar,

Customer Service Support,
Telekom Malaysia.


-----Original Message-----

Sent:  8/26/2014 06:08:28 PM
To:  TM Administrator <>
Subject:  [My TM] : 08700821398-Inquiry-Product/Service-Service Upgrade/Downgrade

Dear TM HelpDesk,

A complaint/comment has been created by mohd sufian marjuni and has been submitted for your action. Summary of the enquiry is as following:- 

[Type: Inquiry] [Area: Product/Service]  [Sub-Area: Service Upgrade/Downgrade]  [Detail Description: kenapa saya tak boleh upgrade ke 8mbps sedangkan talian yg menyambung kan pencawang ke rumah saya menggunakan fiber?SNR margin: 43.1 (DS)/16 (US)attenuation: 5 (DS)/1.3 (US)]
 Thank you and have a nice day.

 Best regards,
TM Administrator
This is an automatically generated notification.  Please do not reply to this email message.

Takde internet di sipitang!!!

Demm...boleh plak x ada internet kat sipitang sbb cable fiber rosak di km 47.7 (TM CS yg cakap). Mati keras lah aku kat sipitang ni!!! Bukan setakat internet aje, line telefon pon x leh connect. 

Last skali kuar dari rumah, bawak kete sampai depan skolah & call TM help line 1300 888 123 dan lodge report. At the same time tweet TM pasal ni. 

After numerous calls and tweet, hari ke-6 baru ok. Kimak betol!!!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

ADSL: Significance of SNR and attenuation

This info was taken from the blog

ADSL: Significance of SNR and attenuation

As an ADSL n00b I wanted to understand how the technology works and how to get the most out of it. In essence if you want to improve speed and increase stability you need to familiarise yourself with SNR (signal to noise ratio) and attenuation. Many ADSL-routers will provide you with those stats.
SNR or Signal to Noise Ratio:
Describes the ratio of usable data-signals on your line. You can associate the “signal” with the data traveling across your ADSL-line and the “noise” as the unwanted interference affecting the signal. The higher the number the better for this measurement. In some instances interleaving can help raise the noise margin to an acceptable level.
6dB or below is bad and will experience no synch or intermittent synch problems
7dB-10dB is fair but does not leave much room for variances in conditions
11dB-20dB is good with little or no synch problems
20dB-28dB is excellent
29dB or above is outstanding
If your SNR is below 12dB you are pretty much screwed and will not get a consistent level of ADSL-service. You could try to convince Telkom to rewire the cabling – but this is unlikely to happen.
Is the reduction in signal strength on your phone line. In ADSL this may be reported as “loop loss” and is the natural deterioration of the ADSL signal over distance from the exchange. Attenuation is normally directly linked to the length of your line. Copper is traditionally used in the local loop and the higher gauge of copper will give the best signal, however some lines may have some aluminium or aluminium joints on the line which will increase resistance… as will oxidisation of joints. The lower the dB the better for this measurement.
20dB and below is outstanding
20dB-30dB is excellent
30dB-40dB is very good
40dB-50dB is good
50dB-60dB is poor and may experience connectivity issues
60dB or above is bad and will experience connectivity issues
The standard signal attenuation spread for a given speed is somewhere in the region of 25-30dB for ADSL1 speeds (if we had ADSL2/2+ this would be).
The following guide (distance vs. attenuation vs speed) gives you an guestimate what you can achieve:
<1km should be 23-24Mbit (nice speed, but doesn’t it bug you that Telkom people walk through your bedroom?)
1.0km = 13.81dB = 23Mbit
1.5km = 20.7dB = 21Mbit
2.0km = 27.6dB = 18Mbit
2.5km = 34.5dB = 13Mbit
3.0km = 41.4dB = 8Mbit
3.5km = 48.3dB = 6Mbit
4.0km = 56dB = 4Mbit
4.5km = 62.1dB = 3Mbit
5.0km = 69dB = 2Mbit
>5.0km (you are pretty much poked — sorry for you)
You will not be able to fix attenuation (unless you relocate straight next to the exchange). You will however be able to influence Telkom or your ISPs – use tooling such as MRTG to measure your variances and log incidents against them. It is unlikely that they will move the exchange closer, but you could combat SNR (check your wiring, climb into the manhole and see if your underground wire is of the cheap kind etc).

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Sofea 1st cup cake

We bought a 'Dora' instant cupcake from of shopping mall in KK (actually forgot the name)...hahaha. And today 14/7/14 we try to bake it. 

Baked with sofea

Into the oven

Finishing part


And successful... 

Love the bonding 💕💕😊

Elsa frozen in monster high

This is theSofea imagination of  Elsa frozen in monster high!


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Wan wan kopitiam

Hari ni brunch di wan wan kopitiam. Aku dgn wife mcm biasa meehon tomyam dgn isi ikan and sofea makan kon lo mee. 

Wrong buying item from Lazada

Last Thursday aku beli router TPlink AC1750 dari Lazada. It was a great deal sbb dapat harga RM315 lepas diskaun RM50. 
Consignment aku ambil sendiri dekat GDex office batu caves. Tapi barang yg dapat salah type of hardware. Yg dapat hardware V1 yg tak support Unifi. Kalau V2 mmg support Unifi, so aku buat complaint kat Lazada on Saturday dan Lazada cakap bukan salah dorg sbb item yg di advertised mmg betul. Masalah nya item yg di advertise tu x cakap version berapa, so macam mana nak check!!!😡

So, hari ni aku hantar balik router tu thru courier pos laju. Sampul pos laju size L pon x muat nak sumbat kotak tu... belasah je laa! Hahaha

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Balik KK lagi...😊

Hari ni balik KK. Flight pukul 9:30pm. Naik bas dari KLsentral pukul 4:45pm

Route yg di ambil... Klsentral - mex - nkve - lcct. Sampai dlm pukul 5:50pm. 

Check-in semua smooth. Kereta mainan yg konon nya berat dlm 20~30kg sebenarnya 10kg aje. 

Estimate time arrival pukul 12:00am. Goodbye KL...hello KK

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Netflix subscribe from Malaysia

Hi semua... semalam (19/4/2014) aku subscribe Netflix dari link internet kat facebook. Komen yg aku boleh bagi untuk movies dlm server Netflix ni ialah banyak giler movies tapi don't expect all the latest movies ada di situ. Mostly movies tahun 2013 dan sebelum ada, sedikit sahaja movies tahun 2014.

Sebelum nak subscribe harus diingat yg Netflix tidak boleh di tonton luar dari US. Jadi untuk menonton kena melanggan juga proxy DNS yg ada di pasaran. Aku guna kan DNS dari unblock-us sebab dia support debit card dan antara proxy yg laju setakat ini. Cara2 nak melanggan seperti berikut:

1. Subscribe proxy DNS - dari situ ada trial untuk 2 minggu kalau x salah. Guna dulu tgk speed streaming dia mcm mana. Kalau ok teruskan melanggan, kalau x ok guna yg lain. Sila google untuk Proxy DNS.

2. Subscribe Netflix dari link ni - Facebook page for subscribing Netflix in malaysia @ orang yg sama. Dia akan bagi username & password untuk korg login kat Netflix.

3. Setup kat PC or PS4 or handphone DNS yg korg dapat dari unblock-us tadi. -

4. Bila semua dah set... korg da boleh tgk dah movies kat Netflix.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Game2 PS4 yg aku ada

Game2 Ps4 yang aku ada skrg:

1. Knack - 1st game yg aku main sampai abis. 
2. Call of Duty Ghost - aku upgrade dr Ps3
3. Battlefield 4 - the best 1st person shooter multiplayer untuk ps4 bagi aku.
4. Killzone - belum abis main
5. Injustice - game lawan2 yg mcm kayu. Tetek wonderwoman x gegar2 pon (u know wut i mean)
6. Fifa14 - game bola yg best kat Ps4
7. Nba2k14 - sports game paling best bg aku. 
8. Infamous second son
9. Just dance. 
10. Resogun - ps+ free game
11. Dead nation - ps+ free game
12. Awesomenauts - mcm sial. Bole main online aje
13. Outlast - x berani main game ni sbb seram ps+ free game
14. Basement crawl - pon mcm sial. Bole main online aje. 
15. Contrast - ps+ free game (boring)
16. Don't starve - ps+ free game (boring)
17. Steamword Dig - ps+ free game. Da abis main. 
18. Mercenary kings - ps+ free game. Mcm game metal slug. 

Review NBA2K14

Hi all... Meh kita review game nba2k14 yg bukan dr genre sukan kegemaran aku. 

Fyi, selama ni aku mmg fanatik game2 bola mcm Winning Eleven dgn Fifa. 

Aku beli game NBA ni dari Lazada dgn discount RM30, so final price jadi RM145. 

1st mode aku main ialah career dan pada pendapat aku sgt terbaik berbanding dgn  Fifa career mode. Dalam mode ni kita boleh tentukan sendiri flow game tu based on cara kita menjawab soalan tu. Soalan pertama aku kena...teammate suruh aku jadi bdk suruhan dia angkat beg sbb aku di consider sbg rookie. Aku pilih tak nak...sebab aku rasa aku terer (walau pun x terer sebenarnya), terus team click tu turun. Byk decision yg kena buat dlm game ni. 

Akhir kata...bye2 Fifa

Yeay PS4!

Lama da x update blog aku. Maybe sebab bz sgt kot dgn Ps4 baru... Hahaha. 

Aku preorder Ps4 ni dari online seller ariesgaming for SG set. Aku ambil bundle set camera...tapi sampai hari ni x dapat camera tu lagi. Tarikh aku dapat 20/12/2013 the same day malaysia punya launching date. Aku pegi kutip dgn member gaming aku si nad kat One Utama. Dia plak preorder dgn danial teh and jumpa kat area berdekatan. 

Akhir kata...memang puas hati lah PS4

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Benda paling bodo aku pernah buat!!!

Beli ticket air asia... First skali dah beli salah, pergi 8/3/14 pagi dan return 8/3/14 petang. 

Pastu tukar date pergi 8/3/14 petang dan return 10/3/14 petang jugak. Tapi x perasan flight bound. 😡

Pergi KK-KL and balik KL-KK...terbalik FUCK!!!!
Macam mana bole x perasan???!!!